Physical Scientist (Sidney, British Columbia)

Job Details

The Physical Scientist will assist with and conduct technical activities and scientific research in terrestrial and marine seismology, including field and/or laboratory work, development and application of mathematical and computational tools, processing, and interpreting passive seismic datasets, as well as general geophysical data.

Required Education:

  • Degree from a recognized post-secondary institution in physics, geology, chemistry, or a related science.

Required Experience:

  • Independent project management experience.
  • Experience managing geoscience data, seismic datasets processing, quality control, and data archiving.
  • Experience with seismological instrumentation, including deployment and recovery.
  • Experience in scientific report or article writing.
  • Experience with computer programs for time series analysis, seismic imaging, or earthquake detection.


  • Geophysical instrumentation (seismic).
  • Geoscience data modeling, analysis, and quality control.
  • Software packages and scripting for seismic data analysis.
  • Linux-based systems knowledge.
  • Ability to coordinate and advise on seismological fieldwork.
  • Effective written and oral communication.
  • Teamwork, initiative, and good judgment.

Salary Package:
$82,727 to $99,178

March 12, 2025 – 23:59 Pacific Time

Summit Your CV to this Email: [email protected]

Job Information






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