Research Assistant, soil and nutrient (Agassiz, British Columbia)

Job Details

The position involves conducting research in soil and nutrient management. Duties include designing and implementing research experiments, conducting field, laboratory, and greenhouse experiments, collecting and preparing samples, adapting protocols for laboratory measurements, liaising with other labs, and managing analyses. The work environment is at the Agassiz Research and Development Centre focusing on sustainable horticultural and forage management systems.

Required Education:
Diploma or degree from a recognized post-secondary institution in soil, environmental science, biology, plant science, agronomy, or another relevant field, or an acceptable combination of education, training, and/or experience.

Required Experience:

  • Experience in providing technical support to research projects in field, laboratory, greenhouse, or growth chamber environments.
  • Experience conducting experiments in soil and nutrient management.


  • Knowledge of nutrient cycling and management (e.g., phosphorus and nitrogen).
  • Knowledge of techniques for handling and processing soil or plant samples in the laboratory.
  • Ability to plan and execute experimental protocols.
  • Ability to handle data, including calculating means, standard deviations, and standard errors.
  • Ability to interpret experimental designs in field, greenhouse, or laboratory settings.

Salary Package:
$71,741 to $90,184

10 March 2025 – 23:59, Pacific Time

Summit Your CV to this Email: [email protected]

Job Information






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